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Drag Culture in India Endures with These Drag Queens/Kings



drag queens of india - The Reelstars

Drag queens with towering wigs, dazzling outfits, and captivating performances are a growing phenomenon in India. But the art of defying gender norms through performance has a long and fascinating history in the country. Let’s talk about the enduring art of drag culture in India!

Long before RuPaul’s Drag Race took the world by storm, India had its own vibrant performance traditions that blurred the lines of gender. In the opulent courts of medieval India, male performers donned feminine attire and played female roles. Folk art forms like jatra, prevalent in eastern India, and lavani, a dance form from Maharashtra, continue this tradition with men taking on female characters.

However, with the arrival of colonialism, these aspects of Indian culture, including drag culture, were often suppressed. Victorian morality and rigid gender roles cast a shadow on performances that challenged traditional notions of masculinity.

The recent resurgence of drag in India coincides with a growing acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community. The landmark 2014 Supreme Court decision recognizing transgender rights provided a much-needed legal framework and a sense of empowerment.

Today’s Indian drag queens are a diverse bunch. Unlike their Western counterparts who often rely on pop culture references and comedy, Indian drag incorporates the rich tapestry of the country’s culture and heritage. These performers are not just entertainers; they are activists pushing boundaries and challenging societal norms. They face challenges, of course, from social stigma to a lack of dedicated performance spaces. Yet, their growing popularity, particularly online, is fostering a more inclusive and accepting environment.

Here’s a look at some of the queens/kings ruling the drag scene in India:

Durga Gawde

Known for her fierce presence and unapologetic demeanor, Durga Gawde, also referred to as DG, draws inspiration from her namesake, the Hindu goddess of power. For DG, drag is not just about performance but about embodying feminine energy and strength. As the first drag king of India, she sees herself as a pioneer, shaping the future of drag and queer culture in the country and beyond. Her journey in drag has been deeply transformative, helping her find a sense of family and unconditional love within her chosen community, despite challenges from her biological family. Through her art and resilience, she encourages others to embrace self-love and authenticity.

Glorious Luna

Suruj, known by the stage name Glorious Luna, shines bright like the moon in the world of drag. Embodying confidence and boldness on stage, Luna’s persona is a departure from her introverted nature offstage. Pride, for Luna, is about respect and equality, advocating for greater visibility and acceptance of the LGBTQIA+ community in society. As an artist, Luna believes in the power of representation to foster understanding and support for marginalized groups, urging individuals to create safe spaces for everyone to express themselves authentically.

Patruni Sastry

Patruni Chidananda Sastry, originating from a lineage deeply rooted in South Indian traditions but raised in Kharagpur with influences from both South Indian and Bengali cultures, found solace and self-expression through Indian classical dance. Despite societal norms, Patruni navigated the complexities of gender identity through the medium of dance, embracing the freedom and fluidity it offered. From a young age, the stage became a sanctuary where gender boundaries dissolved, allowing Patruni to explore and embody various expressions without judgment.

Gentleman Gaga

Inspired by the iconic Lady Gaga, Gentleman Gaga, or GG, channels creativity and self-expression through drag. For GG, drag offers a sense of empowerment and limitless potential, transcending boundaries and embracing individuality. Whether in drag or in everyday life, GG remains true to themselves, finding strength in self-acceptance. Through their journey, GG encourages others to embrace their struggles with confidence and sass, viewing pride as a celebration of freedom and honoring the diversity within the community.


Prateek, known as Bettanaanstop, finds liberation and confidence through drag, shedding inhibitions and embracing self-expression. While initially finding comfort in their drag persona, Prateek ultimately discovers that true growth comes from within, cultivating confidence and self-love. Pride, for Bettanaanstop, is about embracing individuality and celebrating diversity, despite societal challenges and prejudices. Through their art and resilience, Bettanaanstop advocates for greater acceptance and understanding, challenging societal norms and promoting self-celebration for all.

The story of drag in India is one of resilience, adaptation, and self-expression. From the royal courts to reality TV, drag queens are captivating audiences and carving out a unique space within the country’s rich cultural landscape. As India embraces its vibrant LGBTQIA+ community, the future of drag in the country promises to be as dazzling and diverse as the queens themselves.

Anusuya, a Bengali girl in Bengaluru, is an experienced content specialist with a passion for writing compelling articles & blogs while crafting engaging social media posts & website copy. Currently a content manager, she thrives on being hands-on in the creative process. When not meeting deadlines, she enjoys Pinterest-planning her next trips; to explore new cities and immerse herself in local cultures, especially local food. Is it any wonder she chose a degree in Travel & Tourism?


Meet Akanksha & Bhushan: Social Media Sensations Known for Debunking Viral Hacks



Akanksha and Bhushan-The Reelstars

Whatever you see on social media is not always true. To verify whether it works or not, popular blogger duo Akanksha and Bhushan regularly share hacks and tips on social media debunking or verifying popular trends and hacks. Their content typically includes practical advice, creative solutions, and humorous takes on various hacks.

How It Started

Akanksha and Bhushan met by chance at a food festival. Their shared love for food led to a blossoming friendship that eventually turned into a professional collaboration. Akanksha, with her culinary background, provides in-depth knowledge about various cuisines, ingredients, and techniques. Bhushan, a food photographer, brings each dish to life with his stunning visuals, thanks to his keen eye for detail and aesthetics.

Their combined expertise and shared passion have not only fueled their successful collaboration but also created content that resonates with a wide audience, making them influential figures in the realm of social media hacks and trends.

Viral Content and Massive Social Media Following

Akanksha and Bhushan keep their followers engaged with their constantly evolving content on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube:

Facebook: Their profile, Think U Can, boasts 832K followers who tune in for their latest hack tests and tips.

Instagram: Their page, The Bhushan Show, has 281K followers. Here, they share short clips, reels, and updates on their latest findings.

YouTube: With 1.07 million subscribers, their YouTube channel features detailed explanations and results of the hacks they test.

Their videos often go viral thanks to their relatable content and honest reviews. Some of their most popular videos include testing bizarre beauty hacks, trying unusual DIY projects, and debunking widely shared myths.

What Makes Them Unique and Impactful

Unique Niche: Their focus on debunking and verifying hacks sets them apart from other influencers, leading to a steady increase in their follower count and engagement rates.

Engaging Content: Their entertaining approach has earned them a loyal following. Fans appreciate their honest reviews and the effort they put into testing each hack.

Trust of followers: Many fans check their videos before purchasing products. For example, in a recent video, they tested a pan that claimed to make rotis and dosa quickly. While the pan worked well for dosa, it failed with rotis.

In another video, they tried a viral floor-cleaning mop, which proved effective and was recommended to their followers.

Keep reading The Reelstars to discover more in the creator-verse!

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Telangana Tightens Reins on Digital Content Creators



praneeth hanumanthu - the reelstars

The arrest of Telugu YouTuber Praneeth Hanumanthu for creating and disseminating inappropriate content has ignited a firestorm of debate in Telangana around the regulation of online content. The incident served as a stark reminder of the potential for misuse of social media platforms.

Hanumanthu was first arrested for making inappropriate comments on video of a father and daughter. A few days after that, he now has a case filed against him for drug use under the NDPS Act. A drug test taken by him came back positive for marijuana use. While the police have submitted a petition for holding and further questioning him, he has issued an apology video.

Telangana Govt Responds

In response to the growing public outcry and the need to address the issue head-on, the Telangana State Commission for Women (TSCW) has issued comprehensive guidelines for digital content creators. These directives aim to strike a delicate balance between protecting freedom of expression and ensuring public safety and morality.

The Core of the Issue

The crux of the problem lies in the blurred lines between creative freedom and responsible content creation. While the Constitution guarantees the right to free speech, it also imposes reasonable restrictions in the interest of public order, decency, and morality. The TSCW’s guidelines seek to clarify these boundaries.

Key Provisions of the Guidelines

  • Adherence to Law: Content creators must ensure their content aligns with Indian laws, particularly those related to women’s safety and dignity. Any violation of these laws will be met with strict legal action.
  • Respect for Public Sentiments: Content that promotes hatred, violence, or discrimination against any group or individual will not be tolerated. The guidelines emphasize the importance of upholding the social and secular fabric of the nation.
  • Accuracy and Truthfulness: The spread of misinformation and fake news is a major concern. Content creators must prioritize accuracy and avoid disseminating false information.
  • Responsible Influencer Conduct: Those with significant influence on social media platforms have a responsibility to use their power ethically. Promoting harmful stereotypes, body shaming, or unrealistic beauty standards is strictly prohibited.

Challenges and Implications

Implementing these guidelines will undoubtedly pose challenges. Defining the limits of free speech and determining appropriate penalties for violations will require careful consideration. Moreover, enforcing these regulations in the vast digital landscape will be a complex task.

However, the TSCW’s initiative is a crucial step towards creating a safer and more responsible online environment. It sends a clear message that the government is committed to protecting citizens from the harmful effects of unregulated digital content.

While the guidelines may face criticism from some quarters, they are a necessary response to the growing concerns about the misuse of social media. As technology continues to evolve, it is imperative to have robust regulations in place to protect the interests of the public.

The potential impact on the digital content industry and the challenges of enforcement will be seen from hereon.

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Harsha Sai: Meet the Man With ‘Golden Heart’



Harsha Sai-The Reelstars

In a world that can often seem harsh, Harsha Sai stands out as a beacon of kindness and compassion. Known for his philanthropic efforts, he is particularly dedicated to supporting the poor and needy. Often referred to as India’s Mr Beast, Harsha Sai is a well-known YouTuber and content creator recognized for his socially impactful videos.

Philanthropic Efforts and Massive Social Media Influence

Harsha Sai frequently engages in activities such as distributing food, providing financial aid, and fulfilling specific needs for individuals in distress. His work not only provides immediate relief to those in need but also raises awareness about the challenges faced by underprivileged communities. Through his selfless actions, Harsha Sai has made a significant impact on society.

Harsha harnesses the power of social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram to inspire his audiences to contribute to these causes. With 15 million subscribers on YouTube and 13.6 million followers on Instagram, his influence is vast. His work mirrors the generosity and large-scale charitable initiatives of Mr Beast (Jimmy Donaldson), the famous American YouTuber known for his significant giveaways and humanitarian efforts.

Harsha Sai’s videos often go viral due to their emotional content and the sheer scale of his charitable acts. This virality amplifies his message and encourages his followers to participate in charitable activities, creating a ripple effect of kindness and generosity.

How It All Started

Harsha Sai gained YouTube popularity in 2019 while attending engineering school in Visakhapatnam. His Instagram posts flaunting his six-pack abs received significant attention, leading to multiple requests from college friends inquiring about his diet. This prompted him to start sharing health tips on TikTok and YouTube. By the time he graduated in 2020, Sai had amassed 900,000 subscribers on YouTube.

Financial Commitment to Charity

Harsha Sai has mentioned that he uses money from his YouTube ad revenue, brand sponsorships, and sometimes from diluting his stock portfolio to fund his charitable acts. His commitment to using his own resources for philanthropy underscores his dedication to making a positive impact.

Personal Background

Harsha was born in Telangana and holds a degree in Computer Science from GITAM University. He operates two YouTube channels: Harsha Sai – For You Telugu and Harsha Sai – For You Hindi. His educational background and diverse content have contributed to his wide-reaching influence.

Harsha Sai is a remarkable figure in the world of digital content creation, using his platform to spread hope and positivity. His dedication to helping the poor and needy, combined with his ability to engage and inspire his audience, makes him a significant force for good. As his influence continues to grow, Harsha Sai is definitely a name to watch in the realm of social media philanthropy.

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