Top Workout Routines to Lose Weight and Stay Fit in 2025
Discover the top workout routines for weight loss in 2025, inspired by fitness influencers. Find the perfect routine to stay fit!

Losing weight and staying fit in 2025 isn’t just about hitting the gym; it’s about finding practical, engaging, and sustainable routines. Fitness influencers set trends with innovative approaches that blend fun, functionality, science-backed techniques, and workout routines. The key to successful weight loss is consistency; finding a workout routine you love is crucial. The workout trends set by influencers offer something for everyone, whether you prefer high-energy cardio, strength training, or a mindful Pilates session.
Whether you are a gym regular or just beginning your fitness journey, these top five workout routines can help you achieve your goals while maintaining a fresh and exciting experience. Ready to start? Lace up those shoes and hit play; your future self will thank you!
Crush Your Fitness Goals: Influencer-Approved Workout Routines to Shed Pounds
10–Minute Fat Burning Daily Morning Routine | Rohit Khatri
Rohit Khatri, the sports science nutritionist said to be India’s No. 1 fitness YouTuber, shared a 10-minute fat-burning morning routine to follow every day in a detailed 10-minute video. The huge plus of the routine is that it requires no equipment at all.
The fitness influencer claims this routine burns more calories and is more effective than an hour on the treadmill or two hours cycling. He starts with “high knees” for 30 seconds, followed by the ‘squat jump,’ ‘Mountain Climbers,’ and ‘Criss Cross.’ Next are ‘Low Plank to High Plank,’ ‘Kick Butts,’ and ‘Half Burpee,’ with each exercise demonstrated for beginners. Rohit then performs ‘Fast Reverse Lunges,’ ‘Squats,’ and ‘Pushups,’ increasing the intensity with ‘Advance Planks,’ ‘Jumping Jacks,’ and a ‘Squat Hold.’ He concludes by recommending this workout be done early in the morning on an empty stomach.
FULL BODY 20 Mins WORKOUT to Lose FAT (♀ and ♂): Jeet Selal
In a comprehensive video, fitness coach Jeet Selal showcases workout routines for fat loss. This thirty-day workout program requires a commitment of 20 minutes each day. It is suitable for both men and women.
Jeet begins his warmup with ‘high knees’ for 30 seconds, followed by ‘butt kicks,’ stressing the importance of avoiding breaks. He transitions to ‘arm swings’ to enhance shoulder joint mobility and demonstrates the ‘inchworm’ for core stability and improved mobility in the back and hamstrings. Selal then shows the Body Twist for torso movement and oblique strength, followed by the “leg-wing-hand touch” to improve glute and leg mobility. The warmup ends with ‘Lunge Tap,’ and he recommends a 20-second break afterwards.
And there is more in Jeet Selal Lose Fat Routine.
He begins the primary workout with ‘jumping jacks,’ highlighting that each exercise requires a single set. Next, he demonstrates ‘skater hops,’ engaging both the upper and lower body and targeting the glutes and hamstrings. He then showcases ‘jumping lunges,’ ‘Twist Jumps,’ and ‘toe touch kicks,’ performed alternately with both legs. Moving on, he performs ‘Shuffle Crunch’ for the lower abdomen and ‘jump squats.’
Jeet recommends ‘Pushup Burpees’ for upper body strength, focusing on pectoral muscles, triceps, shoulders, and legs. He demonstrates the ‘Glute Bridge,’ followed by ‘diagonal crunches,’ ‘flutter kicks’ for the core, and ‘Russian Twist Chop’ for oblique muscles. He concludes with three- to five-minute static stretches for muscle relaxation, allowing 20-30-second breaks during exercises.
The 10 Minute Workout: Namrata Purohit
Namrata Purohit, a certified instructor in Pilates, Boogie Bounce, pole fitness, and barre, demonstrates basic Pilates exercises in ‘The 10 Minute Workout’ to help with staying fit. She starts with ‘Isolating Shoulders,’ showcasing up-and-down movement and protraction/retraction. Next, she demonstrates ‘Arm Circles’ to isolate and warm up the muscles, followed by the ‘Cat Stretch’ for spine articulation, slight extension, and flexion.
She moves on to ‘Hip Rolls’ and ‘AB prep’ to warm up the abdominal muscles. Then, she demonstrates ‘Breaststroke Prep,’ targeting back extensors, glutes, and the connection between the upper and lower back. Finally, she showcases the ‘Shell Stretch’ to ease the spine after the exercises.
These Pilates warmups target the glutes, core, back, shoulders, and head. Namrata demonstrates each exercise stepwise, emphasizing breathing throughout the movements.
7-Day Beginner Workout Challenge: Simrun Chopra
Simrun Chopra’s YouTube playlist for a 7-day weight loss workout begins with the ‘Beginner AMRAP Workout; 10-Minute Weight Loss Challenge,’ featuring high knees, jumping jacks, and plank shoulder taps, with a tip to complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes, resting for 30-60 seconds between rounds.
The second video, ‘Beginner Abs Workout + 30-Minute Walking Challenge,’ focuses on core strength, with leg raises, crunches, planks, and a cardio walking challenge. Day 3, ‘Beginner Lower Body Workout | Dumbbells or Water Bottle,’ strengthens the lower body with exercises like Goblet Squats, Sumo Squats, and Lunges. Complete 3-5 rounds with 30-60 seconds rest between rounds.
Day 4 combines an abs workout (crunches, flutter kicks, bicycle crunches) and a cardio challenge, aiming to cover more distance than the previous walking session. The day ends with a 5-minute full-body stretch.
And we are not done yet with Simrun Chopra’s workout routine
The next day is all about upper-body strength workouts. The workout routines of this day include pushups, squat hammer shoulder presses, dumbbell bent-over rows, and dumbbell kickbacks. Day 6 of the 7-Day Beginner Workout Challenge is all about combining abs and cardio to create a perfect fat-burning, core-strengthening workout. The exercises demonstrated via animation are Spot Power Walk, High Knees, Mountain Climbers, Slow Mountain Climbers, and Full Plank, a 20-second hold. Check out her Instagram too!
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5 Fat Burn Cardio Exercises: Be Fit With Yasmin Karachiwala
Are you growing weary of the monotonous treadmill routine? Yasmin Karachiwala is here with five super cardio exercises for the ultimate fat burn! She first starts by giving the pre-workout tip—the warmup. She insists on warming up before getting to the main workout sets. The first exercise in the cardio set is the ‘jumping jack,’ which Yasmin demonstrates with the utmost precision. Though it is barely an easy exercise, she builds it up in 20 repetitions of the jumping jack. Yasmin then demonstrates the ‘low squat jump,’ sharing tips like touching the floor and jumping high.
Next, the fitness celebrity influencer takes us through the ‘side-to-side skaters,’ with 10 reps on each side. She then does the ‘box jump.’ She demonstrates the movement at different levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Fitness enthusiasts can choose the level they are comfortable with and go along with it, the ‘mountain climber of 20 reps. Yasmin Karachiwala guides people on how to do the movement correctly and shares the necessary steps to cool down after each exercise program.
Closing Thoughts
Experiment with these workout routines to discover what works best for your body and lifestyle. Remember, the best workout is the one you enjoy enough to stick with, so get moving and make this year your healthiest yet!